Thursday, May 22, 2008

Of Mice and Men:Symbol Essay

Have you ever had something for a long time and feel as if when you let it go you might loose it.Some people feel as if when they receive or buy something it becomes a symbol in they life and it represents many thing in they life.In the book of mice and men it's a character in the story who receive a dog ever since it was young and it was forces to give it up and let them kill him.Put yourself in his shoes would you do that.In this essay I will address why I think this dog is a symbol in his life.

Now lets talk about the dog's death now I know I pretty much told you that candy dog was killed but I am going to explain it to you step by step.First candy had his dog while the men was working then it was lunch time candy was feeding the dog Carlson spotted the dog and started persuading slim to put the dog to rest.On that night slim was playing cards Carlson was sitting down then candy walked in with his dog then Carlson started to pick and tell candy that he should shoot the dog.As candy refused slim was agreeing with Carlson so he told candy that the dog was going to be put to sleep candy still refused but they demanded it.Candy tried to tell them to wait til tomorrow trying to get around the idea but he had to so he gave his dog up laid in the bed quietly and depressed all of a sudden"BOOM" and that was the end of his dog then candy started to cry.What would you do if someone or something was tooken away and you had no choice but to give it up tell me would you act like candy.

Candy dog was a symbol in his life because it was his friend and he comfort him.Candy dog was close to him and he loved candy and candy loved him too.I think as the years flew by candy grew closer and closer to his dog and as the years formed he was considered as candy friend.I think when candy dog was put to sleep it really took a huge chunk out of candy life.Candy was very miserable and sad and it looked like he was very lost and couldn't find his way back.I think that that really messed candy up because not only did he have that dog since he was a pup but that was the only thing close to him.
Now that I expressed my thoughts on how candy dog represent a symbol i the story.Tell me would you have done the same for your dog or would you had been more active then candy?After reading this essay tell me would you have giving up a friend close to you or would you fight to the bid of end.