Friday, April 18, 2008

The Empire Of The Son Review

In English class when Mr. Romero first introduced us to the movie I thought it was just going to be a boring movie that was going to put me to sleep but I really misjudged it. When the movie first came on it was a little boring but then it got interesting the character Jamie who later down get named Jim is a very interesting character. First Jamie start off as a little rich brat who always get what he wants but then when he let his mother hand go during the time of a world little rich Jamie have to learn how to survive in the real world and not things being given to him on a silver platter as he gets it usually. Through the story Jamie faces a lot of challenges as a little boy he meets a new friend well suppose to be friend name Basie who he later finds out is all for himself. Later on down the line Jim started to learn the routine and techniques and start to base himself well with the environment he was in. Jamie was a little boy at the beginning but became a man for the four years that he had been in the camp. Jamie character was one of the best to me no he was the best character and I really think that he really proved himself to everyone that he is not just a little rich kid who depends on everything. Overall I loved this movie and it also taught me a lesson never to misjudge anyone because of they background.